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Setting up non-dedicated server behind router...HELP!


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Ok, i've searched the forums for an answer, and it looks like it was asked a few times in the past with no clear answer.


I'd like to set up a non-dedicated server so a few friends and myself can play. I'd like to host since I have the fastest connection/computer.


I'm using a D-Link DI-704 router and i'm on a cable connection. I know you have to configure the router some how and open up the ports...but how?


And, in JK, how do I set it up for a non-dedicated server? I only see dedicated-internet as an option.


If someone could let me know the best way to do this..surely i'm not the only one behind a router that wants to host a game???


Also, what is the best way for others to find my game? Use the built in MP or something like gamespy?

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I have the same router and I've never been able to host a game behind it. However, I've only tried it once, and there are plenty of options on the router you can change to allow certain things through. If that doesn't work, you could try hooking the pc directly up to the router.


On second thought, I'm not even sure you can set up a server visible on the internet if it's not a dedicated one (well, I know you can in other games, but I'm talking about JK2). You could just find an empty server that you like and then give your friends the IP addy.

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Ok, most routers have a "built-in" set of parameters than you can access to help open the ports. Typically, it should say in the documentation on how to access these parameters/settings. For Linksys Routers, its like so that's one idea. You will need to look for the Service ports and also if you see any option that mentions about block wan requests, make sure to set it so that it allows wan requests, whether it means disabling or enabling the option. And for the ports, you will need to open ports 28060- 28069 28071-28079 I usually leave a couple ports open.

If you could access that settings options and post a screenshot of how it looks (obviously with the IP ports blacked out), we might be able to further assist you.

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Thanks Andy, here are the screen shots from my router settings. I've captured (I think) all the necessary config screens. I just don't know where to enter the info.




















Hope this provides the necessary info to let me host a non-dedicated (or dedicated) server.

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Ok, for your first screen, you will need to add the final digits of YOUR local computer IP address into the DMZ Host. And although your D-LINK is a little different from the familiar Linksys Router, I believe that if under the Virtual Server, if you are to specify for the ID #'s the service ports of 28060-28069 and 28070-28079 and enable each one of them to YOUR local computer ip address, that should open up the necessary ports to get your non-dedicated server up and running. I can't say for sure, but that would be my best guess to the matter.

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Thanks for the tips. I've tried entering the numbers as suggested. I have not fully tested it yet, but just a few questions for when I do:


1) how will I know i'm live on the internet

2) will non-dedicated servers show up from either within the game list or on gamespy?


I assume the only thing you do differently when hosting a regular internet game (non-dedicated) is chose 'no' for dedicated server. Is this correct?

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