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save game need :o(


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help me, i recently crashed my hard drive and lost everything, but most important 2 me wer my jk2 saves (:p), and i couldnt recover them.


Can ne1 help me out here, b4 my computer crashed i jus freed lando out of that prison thing, and we were goin up a elevator, were he then sees his ship and then i hav 2 go disaram summin. Does ne1 hav a save close 2this (i think it was a checkpoint neway) but if they do it wud me much apricated



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Also, configure your skill level first before you type map ns_starpad. To do this, type the following in console:


set g_spskill 0; set handicap 100 - for Padawan;

set g_spskill 1; set handicap 100 - for Jedi;

set g_spskill 2; set handicap 100 - for Jedi Knight;

set g_spskill 2; set handicap 50 - for Jedi Master.


Will be kind of hard though, because you will not have your inventory and weapons anymore, so you will have to get them as you progress. Follow some walkthrough to find disruptor rifle as quickly as possible, because this map involves a lot of sniping.


However, you will have your lightsaber and all the force powers that you normally have at that map.

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