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Geforce 4 TI 4600 Flickering!?


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I just installed my new Geforce 4 TI 4600 128mb DDR graphics card. I have no problems out of any other games aside from this one. It is very strange. The graphics are doubled and spaced as well as flicker. Kind of like those old 3D images you have to use the red and blue lens glasses to see one solid picture. I have fooled with every setting in the game with no luck. The lower graphics setting i go the worse it gets. Does anyone know what is causeing this and how to stop it?

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Before installing the GeForce, did you remove the settings from the old card, like its drivers and such. Also, since you mention about the graphics. Does your graphics card say if it supports the 3d Stereo Goggles, because thats what it sounds like its trying to do, since some newer cards are implementing that neat feature.

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Yes i removed all the old drivers. I have a pair of 3D glasses but they do not work correctly. I tried them out on the TI 4600 with no luck so i just uninstalled the drivers to that and the drivers to the ti 4600 and reinstalled the TI 4600 to make sure the steroe 3d drivers were gone.

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I have looked an there is no option at all for stero or anything. I have even uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers over again. I was playing with the graphics settings in the game and though i would try it to see what would happen if i didnt turn on Full Screen. When the game runs in windowed mode it doesnt double up the screen or flip it runs fine but in fullscreen mode it does. I dont understand it. Could it be due to a mode i have installed in the game?

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