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Why All The Bad-Mouthing?

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

How come almost all the topics on this forum are trashing this game? Give it a chance, guys. It's not due out for 3-4 months.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

How come almost all the topics on this forum are trashing this game? Give it a chance, guys. It's not due out for 3-4 months.




Dave Maul

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Dave Maul,

If you think that I was "bad-mouthing" this game by my comment on the JPB forum that only you, M1keMaul, and myself have posted at this forum since I've been coming here, you misunderstood me. I guess I was just trying to generate some more "traffic" at this forum (which has, in part, succeded). I don't think that this is going to be a horrible game (for evidence of that, just check my reply to M1keMaul's post on this forum).

As to others "bad-mouthing" this game, I haven't noticed that going on.



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Dave Maul,

If you think that I was "bad-mouthing" this game by my comment on the JPB forum that only you, M1keMaul, and myself have posted at this forum since I've been coming here, you misunderstood me. I guess I was just trying to generate some more "traffic" at this forum (which has, in part, succeded). I don't think that this is going to be a horrible game (for evidence of that, just check my reply to M1keMaul's post on this forum).

As to others "bad-mouthing" this game, I haven't noticed that going on.



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Guest Dave Maul

No no no! I didn't mean your post at all. Your post encouraged me to start this topic. I meant that there were only about 8 topics on this forum, and most are trashing the game. I think that people should give it a chance.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

No no no! I didn't mean your post at all. Your post encouraged me to start this topic. I meant that there were only about 8 topics on this forum, and most are trashing the game. I think that people should give it a chance.




Dave Maul

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What posts? Obviously, they're gone now, since I only see M1keMaul's post and yours. Do you know if they were deleted or something?

Also, I think it would be cool if we could get some positive discussion about Demolition here. Stuff like, Which vehicle do you think looks best?, What arenas look cool?, and How in the world would you survive for more than 2 minutes against the AT-ATs on Hoth?. Those were just example topics.



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What posts? Obviously, they're gone now, since I only see M1keMaul's post and yours. Do you know if they were deleted or something?

Also, I think it would be cool if we could get some positive discussion about Demolition here. Stuff like, Which vehicle do you think looks best?, What arenas look cool?, and How in the world would you survive for more than 2 minutes against the AT-ATs on Hoth?. Those were just example topics.



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Guest Dave Maul

Select 'Show All Topics', and you'll see the topics I mean. 'Bad' and 'This game will SUCK!' are what I am referring to.


I agree with you; it would be nice to see positive topics.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Select 'Show All Topics', and you'll see the topics I mean. 'Bad' and 'This game will SUCK!' are what I am referring to.


I agree with you; it would be nice to see positive topics.




Dave Maul

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Right on, Pedro... especially since the thing is equipped with 2 laser cannons! I wonder what its other weapon will be? Maybe you can step on other vehicles and smash them.

Dave, about those negative messages, at least we can take comfort in 1 thing... the majority of them had 0 replies!



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[This message has been edited by Markenobi (edited July 13, 2000).]

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Right on, Pedro... especially since the thing is equipped with 2 laser cannons! I wonder what its other weapon will be? Maybe you can step on other vehicles and smash them.

Dave, about those negative messages, at least we can take comfort in 1 thing... the majority of them had 0 replies!



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[This message has been edited by Markenobi (edited July 13, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

Ah, Wart, you decided to take the advice of young Dave Maul and check out this forum. Glad to see you.


The U.S. release date is 2nd November, 2000. http://psx.ign.com have a good preview of it, check it out here.




Dave Maul

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