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The stealth mission has me stumped...


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I am at the Cairn docking area, and hopefully close to Doomgiver. I've found my way to a room containing imperial officers, one behind glass that seems indestructible. I'm trying to get to the door across the room without attracting notice (from a ledge overlooking the room from where I am able to turn off the lights). I am able to reach the door, but I haven't been able to open it and go through it (to the other door) without being noticed and having the imperial behind the glass sound the alarm. Any and all ideas/feedback/help would be magnificent :D


Thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember that part being a challenge.


Lots of reload from last saves went on.


Yes, Speed is your friend here.


Also, make sure you use the night goggles. No use stumbling around in the dark.


Also, Before the Speed I would Mind-Trick as many as I could (especially the ones near the door)


Good luck.

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