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500 v 500


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With the announcement of the maximum PA size being 500...i have a few questions. First of all will the servers be able to handle 1000 people being in one place and fighting for that matter? Secondly how will the queue system work with such a mass of people. I think this will really be awesome and really a sight...(will make for some very very nice screenshots) and can't wait to see it if it is possible.





P.S. Thew is a noob

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Thats a good question. I'm betting that the servers will handle it fine- the lag will come from anyone who lacks the system resources to display everything thats going on.


Also, keep in mind that player associations will almost NEVER have a roster of 500 playing members. From my experience, even the most well-organized PA will only be able to coordinate about 25-50% participation in any one event. Time zones, personal lives, world events, all will have a direct impact on when people are able to log in. I'd be very suprised if anyone could organize even a 200 x 200 PA battle.


Then again, pretty much everything I just said is pure speculation, so I guess we'll see :)



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I highly doubt that this would happen... even if two PA's actually manage to have 500 members, there wouldn't be a chance in hell every member would be able to show up...


Basically, what Jared said.


If you'd ever want a full PA war, you'd have to have members all within a few time zones, and they'd all have to be available. Chances are nil it'd ever happen.

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I have to agree, but remember, everyone can take out a squad of the appropriate troopers. Add that in and see how large the battles get. Even if say......50 vs. 50. Now, each of those fifty can sign out 5 STs or Rebel troopers. That would be 250 vs. 250 NPCs plus 50 vs. 50 PCs. Just something to think on.


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