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I got this idea from the Star Wars Racer forum.

I'm interested in who comes to this forum, plus I noticed that it went dead again.

(The Demolition forum went dead, not the Racer forum.)



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[This message has been edited by Markenobi (edited July 24, 2000).]

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I got this idea from the Star Wars Racer forum.

I'm interested in who comes to this forum, plus I noticed that it went dead again.

(The Demolition forum went dead, not the Racer forum.)



Feel free to visit my Fan Site:



[This message has been edited by Markenobi (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

I'm here, and I seem to be the only person on the forum who is looking forward to the game smile.gif


Oh, and you, Markenobi, of course. wink.gif




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

I'm here, and I seem to be the only person on the forum who is looking forward to the game smile.gif


Oh, and you, Markenobi, of course. wink.gif




Dave Maul

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Dave Maul, I hope it isn't just the two of us who think Demolition is going to be a good game. I think we can count the13thJedi out as a supporter- for evidence of that, check his replies to my posts in "Man i am so depressed" and "Off Topic: Games You Hate" on the JPB forum.



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Dave Maul, I hope it isn't just the two of us who think Demolition is going to be a good game. I think we can count the13thJedi out as a supporter- for evidence of that, check his replies to my posts in "Man i am so depressed" and "Off Topic: Games You Hate" on the JPB forum.



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Guest Dave Maul

Well, that's just his opinion. Anyway, I'm sure my schoolmate Michael 'M1keMaul' Gorman is on our side. So that's three, at least.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Well, that's just his opinion. Anyway, I'm sure my schoolmate Michael 'M1keMaul' Gorman is on our side. So that's three, at least.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Yes, that is true. There is also Wade Vox, Aurra Sing and someone else I can't just remember at this time.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Yes, that is true. There is also Wade Vox, Aurra Sing and someone else I can't just remember at this time.




Dave Maul

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I`m here!


While I don`t think this game will rock, it might be funny to play for 30min a day. I think Demolition will have very short appeal, you should get tired of it very quick!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I`m here!


While I don`t think this game will rock, it might be funny to play for 30min a day. I think Demolition will have very short appeal, you should get tired of it very quick!

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Guest RogueOne

I'm here also. I think this game will be cool.


If I only had a PSX..............





At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we will have revenge.

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Guest RogueOne

I'm here also. I think this game will be cool.


If I only had a PSX..............





At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we will have revenge.

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Guest Kurgan

You don't have to necessarily have a PSX.. if you have a Mac you can buy Virtual Gaming Station to play it on, if you have a Dreamcast, buy bleemcast! (and the appropriate game CD once it supports it), if you have a PS2 you will probably be able to play it, and if you have a PC, you can use bleem!. ; )



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Guest Kurgan

You don't have to necessarily have a PSX.. if you have a Mac you can buy Virtual Gaming Station to play it on, if you have a Dreamcast, buy bleemcast! (and the appropriate game CD once it supports it), if you have a PS2 you will probably be able to play it, and if you have a PC, you can use bleem!. ; )



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