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this game looks pretty cool

Guest zorba the l.a nut

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Guest zorba the l.a nut

does anyone know how many characters will bein demolition.I only know of arra sing. may old gl will be a secret character



im mad as hell; and im not gonna take it anymore

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Guest zorba the l.a nut

does anyone know how many characters will bein demolition.I only know of arra sing. may old gl will be a secret character



im mad as hell; and im not gonna take it anymore

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Guest Dave Maul

Glad to see someone else who's interested in the game. You can play as Boba fett, Aurra Sing or Wade Vox.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Glad to see someone else who's interested in the game. You can play as Boba fett, Aurra Sing or Wade Vox.




Dave Maul

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Guest zorba the l.a nut

its was an accident



im mad as hell; and im not gonna take it anymore

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Guest zorba the l.a nut

its was an accident



im mad as hell; and im not gonna take it anymore

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Yessssss, more positive interest in Demolition (should we start calling it Demo for short?)!

Don't forget about the other vehicles, too. From the screenshots and press release, I've figured out that there is: an AAT, an STAP, a snowspeeder, an AT-ST, something that looks like the cargo skiff from ROTJ, a swoop(Aurra Sing), Luke's former speeder (Wade Vox), and whatever Boba Fett drives.

And that's not counting vehicles that haven't been featured yet or secret vehicles!

P.S. Just modified my sig, I hope it works!



Feel free to visit my Fan Site:

Mark-enobi's Site

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Yessssss, more positive interest in Demolition (should we start calling it Demo for short?)!

Don't forget about the other vehicles, too. From the screenshots and press release, I've figured out that there is: an AAT, an STAP, a snowspeeder, an AT-ST, something that looks like the cargo skiff from ROTJ, a swoop(Aurra Sing), Luke's former speeder (Wade Vox), and whatever Boba Fett drives.

And that's not counting vehicles that haven't been featured yet or secret vehicles!

P.S. Just modified my sig, I hope it works!



Feel free to visit my Fan Site:

Mark-enobi's Site

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