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Well, the most straight-forward way is to set the NPC a death_script. You can do that, for example, in his spawnscript, when you are giving him other attributes.


I must confess, no matter how much editing I might have done, that I cannot say, if you can set the death_script straight to the NPC in Radiant, as you can the spawnscript.


The other way is, I believe, just to target the NPC to a target_scriptrunner. That should trigger the scriptrunner the moment the NPC is bored of living.

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There are examples of this in the kejim_post map kindly supplied with Radiant.


When the stormtroopers outside the front door are killed, they trigger a counter which fires after a certain number have died.


The NPC has a key of NPC_target with a value of st_death.


The target_counter entity has a targetname of st_death.


I would think any entity with the matching targetname would fire.


Check it out, I think it will help you.

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