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The adventure magazine The Inventory 3 is ready for download


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The 3rd issue of the adventure magazine The Inventory is ready for download from the front page of Just Adventure (http://www.justadventure.com). The third issue features:


-Interview with Tierra (King's Quest 2 remake, Quest for glory 2 remake)

-Interview with Frogwares (Journey to the Center of the Earth, Sherlock Holmes: Mystery of the Mummy)

-Review of the month of Law and Order

-Review Tribute of Gabriel Knight 3

-Review of Pharaoh's Curse

-Previews of Black Mirror and Sherlock Holmes: Mystery of the mummy

-Over 60 screenshots

-And much more in 53 pages full of adventures



You need Winzip to unzip the file and Acrobat Reader to read it. For any comments/suggestions/questions you can either post them here or send a mail to theinventory@yahoo.com

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