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another level question


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try this if you want:




Artus Mine




*Infiltrate the mining facility.

*Cripple the mining operation.


Primary Foes:



*Imperial Officers



Secret Areas: 1


Mosey down the valley until you come to a canyon. Drop down and scope out the

scene - I don't think the EPA would have many good things to say about the

Remnant's environmental policies, given the green sludge that's floating about

below. Head off to your right to find a Bowcaster next to a body, but don't

fire it yet. Avoid the spotlights off to the left, and head into the room below

their spire to deactivate them. Once you've got that done, jump onto the piping

that crosses the valley, but watch out for falling pieces. Make your way over

to the other side of the valley.


The Troopers in the room above are a bit too concentrated for you to risk

running in and blasting away, so alert them to your presence and then retreat

to the bottom-most walkway above the canyon. As the Stormtroopers pursue you,

they'll almost all fall off into the valley below, since the walkways don't

have any guardrails - something for their union to take up with OSHA, I

imagine. The Remnant better hope they don't get audited, or else there'll be

hell to pay in fines. Once you've cleared the Troopers and the Imperial, grab

the latter's key and unlocked the door.




You've infiltrated the mine successfully. Now clean the next room, and grab the

keys from the Imperials. Head down the elevator, but be ready to hit a secret

area about halfway down - there's a small passage you can crouch into as you

head down, but it's easy to miss, so be sure to save your game ahead of time.


You can bomb or snipe the Troopers from above, then head back down to take on

the rest of the troops. There are a half-dozen or so soldiers in this storage

area, but you won't have much mobility in the doorway, so watch the crossfire.

There's only one exit from this room, so head towards the elevator, but watch

out for the Troopers that drop down before you can get there. You can get them

all with one well-placed Detonator if you're ready.



Ride the elevator up and take a left, passing through the rocky mining area.

Take a right at the intersection and head down to another room with some

Imperials and a few Troopers. Grab the key (you can head back to the rocky area

to open the crate, if you wish), then find the doors that lead back out into

the canyon. There are two guidelights on posts here - stand between them until

the pipe below you extrudes enough for you to jump on it. Do so, then crouch

and fall down to the small ledge below. When the pipe retracts, crawl through

until you reach the smelting machine. Shoot the power devices along the walls,

then blow away the machine itself. Ride on top of the machine to the room

above, then climb on one of the barriers so that you can jump on top of one of

the moving platforms. Hitch a ride until you reach the small, dark corridor

with the green force crystals; this is where you want to jump off.



This corridor is dark enough to require the use of light amplification goggles,

but it's fairly linear so you shouldn't worry too much about it if you run out

of battery power. The little Crabs in the area are troublesome, however, since

they move a bit too fast to lead with your Rifle. Use the alternate fire and

aim at the ground between you and them to stun them, then finish them off as

they stand still. This will deplete almost all of your ammo, probably, but it's

better than being turned into critter food.


(A few people have pointed out that the Stun Baton is a little more efficient

at taking out the Crabs than the Blaster Rifle is.)



Once you reach the mining equipment, activate it and start sniping the soldiers

below you - the Bowcaster's alternate fire is quite handy at this, if you

haven't noticed. Drop onto another of the moving platforms, and head for the

bottom of the room. The door nearby leads to some sort of lava-smashing

contraption, conveniently placed to allow you access to the upper platforms.

The next room over contains a mess of troops, and the mine's powerplant, which

you can overload by manipulating a panel nearby. Once it's destroyed, head

through the far door to find yourself back in the main storage area of the

mine. Take the previous elevator back up to the upper level, but this time take

a right. Take out the Troopers and the Crabs, and proceed to the next room,

where you'll find a couple of delightfully positioned turrets. Activate the car

here to reach the next area of the mission.



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