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PS2 games in general

Guest 84Elan

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Guest 84Elan

From what I have been reading and seeing on the web and in magazines most of the new PS2 titles are some really new ideas. Being a pirate and having ship battles and treasure hunting, navigating the world.(Pirates of Skull Cove)


Being put into the boots of a gun slinger and having to play cards and all the things that go with a old western. Then there is the game for which this board is named after it looks eye pop'n good.


Most graphics will look great and the games are shaping up to what we whould all hope to see in the PS2.


A kind of more mature game library for a generation or two that grew up on the PS. Arcade brawlers and sequal after sequal of different games are getting old FF and RE to say a few. I hold a lot of hope for the PS2 and its future if they keep it up.


Any one else notice the same thing or different?



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Guest 84Elan

How so Hutt I mean The PS2 will have more power be able to handle more pixles a sec and have a vast game library. Sega has already said that they are out of the console business and the head of Sega has stepped down. Not that I am dinging the DC from what I have seen of it its hot as hell the graphics are sweet but as for the longevity of the system and games. All of the Sega systems have come and gone I fear the same fate for the DC unless history is not going to repeat itself.

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Guest the13thJedi

Dreamcast will be the system that kills Sega, After the next gen systems come out, it'll be nothing but outdated...

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Guest Kurgan

It's all about the games.


Without a large library of quality games, a system is nothing, no matter what the specs and flashy demos and PR says.


For now, I'd say the Dreamcast has more going for it than any of the new systems (two of which aren't even out yet).


Time will tell...



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PS2 having the upper hand, eh.

But Sony has forgotten too put one thing (or 2 things), namely RAM.


And some people are already comparing the PS2 with the Saturn, because they are both hard and expensive to program for.


And one more thing, Dreamcast has the more original games, while most of the PS2 titles are just sequels or updates.




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Guest 84Elan

Ya see that is what I was talking about in the begining most oft he games that I have seen previews for are not the same or sequals to other games. Gunslinger, Pirates of Shull Cove, Starfighter,Kendo. Thats just to name a few yeah there will be sequals, all of the sports games and some of the FF and RE games and racing like GT2000 but also new racing games like drag racing and that street racer game which reminds me a lot of Street Rod 2 for the PC back in the late 80's early 90's. That game was sweet never beat it though pissed me off.

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