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In search of artists for an upcoming adventure game...

Dark Stalkey

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Hello folks, I come before you today to ask for help. For the past year, I have been designing, plotting and drafting the sequel to the 'Best AGS Game' nominee 'The Journey Home: Part 1' (available to download from Screen 7 @ http://screen7.adventuredevelopers.com ) along with fellow amateur developer Evenwolf. The first draft of the design document is nearing completion, and the time has come to start looking for talented individuals willing to help out realise our project. We're approaching this in as a professional manner as possible for a freeware project, with a lot of pre-planning underway so the whole production process is as streamlined and creative as possible. As far as the music side of things is concerned we have all the resources to produce a high quality digital soundtrack featuring live players and employing an iMUSE like system to give it an extra dimension of goodness in-game. Naturally we're hoping to find background artists who are able to produce a high quality of work... and we fully appreciate it's very hard to get hold of talented artists who are willing to work on a freeware game :)

The general idea is to persue things in the same way as outlined by Bill Tiller in his interview about the process of art development on Monkey Island 3, so we're looking for one (or two) artists who would be responsible for the sketches, conceptualisation and non-coloured/shaded versions of the backgrounds, and two or three 'render' artists to colour in the backgrounds. The game is intended to be in 640x480 (or possibly 800x600 if preference leans towards a higher resolution) without the (albeit debatable :)) restrictions of 256 colours and palettes.

The project has turned out to be rather larger than originally anticipated by me, so we're looking for an unusually 'large' group for an indie project to share the workload and make it a much more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Anyway, if you're interested in contributing to a dedicated, adventure game project in this spirit of Lucasarts adventures we all love and cherish, please drop me a line at daftndirekt@hotmail.com and i will discuss everything further with you!


Edit: Erk, due to a typing error on my part, i added and extra 'e' into the email address... i apolagise about that!

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