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Bandwith requirement for a 12 person jedi knight2


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Well i want a nice 50-100 ping dedicated server. however i could only run it off my cable 300kupload


It will only be running duel fighting. No force powers except for me and friend and only saber battles plus that aminfo ****


Is 12 peaple more then what 300k upload could do ?

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Assuming that you're not using up any bandwidth by the regular home use of youre cable modem 300000 / 12 = 25000 or 25 kbit for every user that connects. 25 kbit = 3.125 kB (kilobytes) per person, assuming the server is full. Your client ping times won't be rosy sweet, but it will function.

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Most servers use atleast 7000 cps per client which equals out to 7k. 300k upload like you have equals out to 30K. Divide it by 7 you get 4+. So you could run a 4 person duel server with no problem. 12 people duel servers suck anyways because of the long wait time. Ideal duel servers are 6-8 people max. You might be able to fudge a 6 person server with max cps set to 5000 but there'll be some lag sometime.

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