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Who's getting Starfighter?

Guest Saesee Tom

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Guest Dave Maul

Oh, that's different! There is a severe lack of flight games on the DC, my only complaint about the console. So a DC port would be nice.




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Guest slo poon

This game looks sooooooo good. If Lucas Arts bothered to put it on DC, maybe you DC fans might have something to be proud of (instead of just Jet Grind Radio *chuckle*). Just because some of us have PS2 and most don't, don't let that "green eyed monster" come out.


Anyway, I've seen that the release date has been pushed back to Feb 1, 2001. Is this true? Lucasarts.com still says fall 2000 and so does all but one other site I've seen. Babages.com lists the game as coming out in 2001 in case anyone needs proof. Maybe this is when they'll have it for online sale or something-- I don't know. If anyone can confirm this I'd appreciate it.

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Ahem, It's Jet SET Radio.


And BTW, we have lots of games to be proud of, like: Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Power Stone, Half-Life. and then some more.


And then games you PS2 guys should be proud of (in terms of gameplay, not graphics): .........????? errr.... Fantavision?????

The rest are just sequels.




I am your father.

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Guest Dave Maul

I was just about to say the same thing, Pedro. Crazy Taxi, Shenmue and Half-Life are absolutely amazing, way ahead of the "BS2" games :) Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 looks good for PS2. Oh, wait, that's coming out for DC as well. They have Super Bombad Racing. Wait, that's also coming out for DC! Oh, Don't forget Unreal Tournament. No, wait! I've done it again! Another DC title!


Ah, well, at least they have Starfighter, and...




...well, MGS2 looks nice...but I'm getting an X-Box next summer (okay, you can stop with the stone-throwing), and Metal Gear X is out for that; not MGS, not MGS2, but something else...




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Guest slo poon

Yeah, Dave. Isn't it funny how almost everything on DC is coming out for all the other consoles? Actually, it's more like everything for the other consoles is coming out for the DC. All they do is port port port. And here you guys are-wishing for another port. Let me pause to laugh at you again. Okay, all better now.

It's also kind of cute how you guys wait with your penny rolls clutched in your hands for a decent game to come out every OTHER month. Oh, but wait! There's something coming out in January that looks good. Ha. You guys are pretty funny. I'm sure Shenmoo and Jet Grind Radio and Legacy of Kain (port), Crazy Taxi (port) and Unreal Tournament (port) are good, quality games.

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Guest slo poon

And Dave, thanks for answering my question before burning me! smile.gif


and Half Life is a port also.


[This message has been edited by slo poon (edited November 13, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Oh please tell me of all the quality games on P$2! tongue.gif


And Tom, if I had a P$2, I would get Starfighter. It looks like an awesome game. I might rent a P$2 to try it out!

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Guest Saesee Tom

Thankyou! Darth Simpson: if you rent a PS2 you will not regret it. You will not regret playing Starfighter, either. It is basically a better version of Rogue Squadron with Naboo Starfighters, pirate and capital ships, a Trade Federation opposition, better graphics, faster gameplay, much more realistic sounds, more levels, a higher-quality storyline, sweeet DVD cutscenes (which means no more boring in-game anamatics) with motion captures actors*.


*Check out the brilliantly-made James Bond intro (for the TWINE game) that features gorgeous motion-captured faces and expressions. "You can't get more real trhan this!"




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Guest Darth_Simpson

Is every P$2 game released on a DVD disc? I didn't think the launch games were, but maybe later games would be...


If it is released on a DVD, then they shoulda thrown in a few more levels and features I think!


Starfighter is the one and only game that I wanna play on the P$2. All the other games doesn't interest me...Yes, MGS2 included!


[This message has been edited by Darth_Simpson (edited November 14, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

It is basically a better version of Rogue Squadron...


You can't say that, everyone has a different opinion of Rogue Squadron.


..with Naboo Starfighters, pirate and capital ships, a Trade Federation opposition...


Well duh. Otherwise, it wouldn't be Star Wars.


...better graphics, faster gameplay...


It's a 128-bit machine. What did you expect?


...much more realistic sounds...


They're not real. And LucasArts always give great sound on their games.


...more levels...


Starfighter has 14 levels. Rogue Squadron has 16, plus three bonus missions.


...a higher-quality storyline...


As far as I remember, the storyline of Rogue Squadron was that you were Luke Skywalker, trying to save the galaxy from the bad guy. So what's different about Starfighter?


...sweeet DVD cutscenes (which means no more boring in-game anamatics)...


I doubt you've seen the last of in-game cinematics. And I wouldn't say they were boring. If anything, they made the whole experience better. If there's one thing I hate, it's watching a cutscene in Tomb Raider, then having those stupid Madonna breasts when I'm playing the game. Metal Gear Solid didn't have cutscenes, and it's possibly the best game on Playstation.


Well, that's enough of me for now.




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Well Slo(wpoke) Poon let me take a moment to laugh at you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! There. You might wonder why. While we DC-owners might be waiting for quality arcade ports, you are waiting for cheap run-of-the-mill sequels.

BTW, I'm only laughing at Slo Ploon, I don't have anything against PS2-owners. As long as everybody who has a console can admit that each console has it's strong and weak points.

For example I can admit that my DC's weak point is that I have got for over a year and that I'm still not able to go online. And I have to admit that Sega doesn't have an agressive marketing stategy and that because of that lots of developers are already abandoning Sega.

See. I told about my console's weak points. Now let's talk about yours, Slo Poon.



PS. Where's the time that all console-owners lived in peace??? (I am referring to the pariod of the SNES & the Genesis/Mega-Drive

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Guest slo poon

Hola, Pedro!


I'll admit that the graphics are grainy at some times, but really that's all I can think of. Why don't you tell me some of the foibles of PS2?

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I wonder how long it will take for Sony to launch their P$2 online service... It took Sega this long, and P$2 doesn't even have a built-in modem. Doesn't look like online gaming is the first priority for Sony. Even if they manage to launch the service within the next months, you will have to wait even longer for games that actually supports it!


P$2 faults...


First of all I think the hype was a bit too much. I think a lot of users will be disappointed with the P$2 when they find out it's not really the big revolution Sony claims it is.


Second is the games. The original PSX had one game I wanted to play that was a PSX exclusive. One game! Others were all available for other platforms. When I look at the P$2 release list, I see nothing I feel compelled to buy, and I see no games coming out for it that I really want, except Starfighter. Nothing in it for me. Other people might have different taste in games, but this is my opinion.


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Guest Saesee Tom

I admit all the bad points about the console; like Sony very stupidly over-hyping it, and the lack of a built in modem. There are very little good launch titles, but there will be a hell of a lot more good ones next year. And Dave, feast your eyes on this! Just look at that horizon... it's perfect.



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Guest Saesee Tom

I admit all the bad points about the console; like Sony very stupidly over-hyping it, and the lack of a built in modem. There are very little good launch titles, but there will be a hell of a lot more good ones next year. And Dave, feast your eyes on this! Just look at that horizon... it's perfect.



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Guest Dave Maul

Ah. What a nice landscape. Gee, now I feel like paying over £300 for a PS2 on Ebay, just so I can look at this landscape over and over again. It really is beautiful, the way you can clearly see the sharp sides of the ships against the wonderfully blended scenery. How it makes your eyes immediately focus on the rough edges of the ships. How they have detracted from blending the sides, just to make the landscape that much more pretty.


I'm fed up of having this conversation now. I'm fed up of having to point out the flaws of the PS2 over and over again. Especially when i have to point them out to you at school as well.


And so, I will leave you all now.




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Guest slo poon

Oh, blimey!! What knicker is responsable for such a wicked googley? Where's my mushy peas? Bangers and mash for all, govna! Diana was really just a candle in the wind, wasn't she?


God bless America!!!!!!!!!



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