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Background for icons?


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Where can I find the original icon backgrounds...the ones that the default characters have. The default, red, and blue team ones too please.

They are in the assest0.zip or whatever right? If so where exactly...I've searched and can't find them.

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No I mean the actual background part of the icons. Like kyle's icon...without kyle. I want my character to have the same backgrounds as the original characters. Oh well though, if you guys dun know I'll just use the other backgrounds I found...but I know some people know because they have done this with their models/skins.

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Ive looked and looked....probably not everyone so I could have missed it....but bleh anoyne know if its at the top of the textures...midway....alphabeltical order somewerhe something?....There are many but I can't seem to find the ones used for the original icons.

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