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This Game look's like it's going to be the greatest SW based flyer ever!

Guest DarthGohan1016

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Guest DarthGohan1016

I dont know about you guy's but the graphics on this game look kick @$$, and the backgrounds and layouts and escpecially the lasers look Fantastic, but I hope they make a Rogue Squadron game with the same style for PS2 that would be great all those graphics on Imperial and New Republic ships, I cant Wait smile.gif

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Guest Jedi Master Mace Windu

When is is coming out?



Jedi mind tricks don't work on me....

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Guest Dave Maul

The release date is 27th October 2000. There is a really good preview of it here for those interested.




Dave Maul

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Guest DarthGohan1016

I dont know Pedro, have you seen the movies for it, they are real crappy, but it still has amazing graphics, personally Ive never played X-wing alliance, Ive heard great things about it, but I truly think this games graphics will blow it away, but I still think an Rogue Squadron/Empire Game with graphics like Starfighter would beat any other OT based Flyer. smile.gif

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Oh, wait. The PS 2 launches in USE the 27th October right?

Then the Starfighter release date is probably correct! WOOOHHOOOO!

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Well I am not rich or anything but i plan on buying dolphin and PS2 when they come out, but anyways maybe starfighter will come with PS2 when you buy it, like mario 64 came with N64 that would be cool, I wouldnt have to spend so much money smile.gif

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Say DarthGolan1016, I actually dan't care that much about movies or graphics, personnaly, I think that Gameplay is the most important thing in a game. And X-Wing Alliance can offer me that in a long term, while Rogue Squadron is more fun to play in shorter periods (play for a couple of day's, let it rest for a couple of weeks and repeat).

And I'll finish with a quote: "you can't argue taste"




I am your father.

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Pedro-Oh you thought I meant movies like in the game, no I mean the preview movies on ign.com that show off the gameplay and graphics, and I still say that starfighter will have better gameplay and graphics than X-wing alliance, I am not saying I am right, becuz well like I said, Ive never played the game, but well lets just say I am hoping that it's better than X-wing alliance and I bet it probably will be smile.gif but anyways... I also liked RS and if you liked it you'll probably like this, I think its supposed to be based on RS style flying, etc, does anybody know if Factor 5 will be doing Starfighter?

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Guest Dave Maul

Battle for Naboo is being developed by Factor 5 / LucasArts, and being released by Nintendo. However, Starfighter is being both developed and released by LucasArts; no word on Factor 5.




Dave Maul

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