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External Defences


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Save the Prisoners


You'll see a short cutscene showing the escaped prisoners pinned

down by enemy fire, and Kyle popping out of the tube. As soon as you

start playing, you'll see an AT-ST heading straight for you! Head

immediately to your left and go through into the windowed room with the

trooper and the officer. Kill them, grab his supply key, then hit the

switch to activate the big lift outside. Run out and get on the lift...

if you're quick, you won't take too much damage from that AT-ST. At the

top, run around and hop in the turret gun. Swing around and blast the

AT-ST from above, and then turn back around to help protect the

prisoners. Shoot the troopers along the top ledge first...if you don't

do this quickly, too many prisoners will die and you'll fail the mission.

Once the troopers on the ledge are finished, there will be a few more

shooting you from the ground. Another AT-AT will emerge from behind a

large door, but you can hold it in place and just waste it with the

turret. After you're done, the prisoners will thank you, and you'll

get a message from Jan. You now have an additional task, disabling

the ion cannons.




Ion Cannons


Head up the ramp to the green door, and grab the shield booster

from the crate inside. Go back out, and take the big lift down to the

ground level again. Go around to the left and you'll see the big

cannons, if you hadn't noticed before. Run along the canyon floor

towards the end, taking care of the troopers as you go. Once you get

close, a 3rd AT-ST will come out. You don't have a gun to protect you

this time, so you can run all the way back to the one you just used, if

you really feel like it. After the AT-ST is destroyed, go to the end of

the canyon, into the bay where it came out. There is a small door on the

right side. Take the small lift inside the next room up to the platform,

go out the next door and you'll be by the ledge where you had mowed down

all those troopers. Run to the right, along that ledge, and at the end

you'll find a secret behind the breakable grate. Head back over by the

door you came out, and continue on toward the ion cannons. There is

another turret gun close by, but it won't do any damage to them. When

you get to the first one, check out the octagonal walkway around it.

See the energy fluctations? every time the cannon fires, there is an

energy discharge that spreads through the walkway. If you're standing

on it while it's charged, you're toast. Time it so you can run over to

the pipes behind the cannon...you're safe here. Then time your run again

to get off the rest of the platform. Progress forward and do the same

thing for the next cannon.


Once you're past the 2nd one, go past the turret gun and through

the door straight ahead. Waste the troopers and grab the health

canisters, then go through the left door. There's another trooper and

a ceiling turret here. Dispatch them and head through the door on the

right. You will now be on a ledge above a large cargo bay. Be careful

in proceeding to the next doorway...there is a tripmine placed very low

on the ground. Throw a detonator in and continue onward. You should

see the small lift on the walkway. If you go past it, into the next

room, you'll find a shield regen unit. Stock up, then go back out and

down the lift. On this next level will be a few troopers, and a large

lift in the corner. Take the large lift down to the bottom floor, kill

the enemies, and grab the officer's security key. head through the door

for another small battle, grab the supply key, then go through the

locked door. After getting rid of the two officers in this room, go over

and press the control panel. This shuts down the ion cannon shields, but

you'll still have to go back and destroy them, as Jan will tell you.

Backtrack through the rooms, out into the cargo bay, up the two lifts,

around the ledge, and through the doors that lead you back outside. Now

you can hop in the turret gun and waste the ion cannons.


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