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Is this also comeing out for dreamcast?? Not that I care, I am getting a PS2

Guest Qui-gon John

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Guest Qui-gon John

Just curious about it, I dont think it is, but It really dosnt matter because I am getting a PS2, I cant wait, I heard it isnt going to end up that much better than the dreamcast, but it looks about the same, with some cooler and better effects here and there!!! smile.gif




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Guest skarulez

ya PS2 is gonna rock i'm gonna get one to oh and the thing you said about the PS2 and Dreamcast well the frist game for any new console are always bad but the more time goes by the better it can only get better

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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

yeah, that is true, a great example that I heard a while ago from someone was this: take a look at super mario world for the SNES, and than take a look at Donkey Kong country, So the PS2s power will be discovered about 3 or 4 months mabey longer, But PS2 will be awsome, and I have never owned a playstation, it is far to old now, but PS2 will make up for that smile.gif




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You traitor err... I mean, You'll be sorry, according to my local gamesstore, PSX2 is (censored). with a load of illusions to make you think that a game looks great, like with Street Fighter Ex3, It uses a bunch of parralel sprites as background to give you the idea that it's a 3D background. Imagine, the supposedly strongest console in the world can't run a 3D background, HA biggrin.gif




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Guest Qui-gon John

Padro the hut, What are talking about? i think you were just joking, not sure if you were angry or not becasue of the smile face thing, hmmmm hm hmh hm, I am bored, blah blah blah, bye everyone!!!!!! smile.gif

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I was Semi-joking, a noble art of the Jedi. Like "the negociations were short, Master" But still I'd beware of promoting PS2 when you're in Leuven (the city where that Gamesstore is located that I was talking about, The Shop owner is REALLY anti-PS2.)

Well, See ya around. smile.gifwink.gif




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Guest Qui-gon John

Ok. I dont really think PS2 will be the best, but I am really excited about it because I have never owned a Playstation. And I dont hate sony, infact I love sony, there electronics at least. But the playstation is too old now, but I can still get the PS2!!

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Woah the latest batch of screen shots for Starfighter look really good, btw the screen shots of Game cube and especially of the New Rogue Squadron game coming out for Game cube, look amazing and I am excited about the OT theme smile.gif I love the Rogue Squadron series and this next Rogue Squadron looks to be amazing, I cant wait to own both the Game Cube and PS2, altho not exactly in that order.

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