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The PS2 is WAAAYYY over-hyped!

Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Frankly, I don't see what all the fuss around PS2 is about. Sure, it has great graphics, but are the games any good. When I look at the release list for PS2 games, I don't see one game that I feel compelled to buy. Perhaps Starfighter loks worthwhile, butI am not paying 300 bucks for a console with only one game I want to play!


I don't even think the PS was any good. Almost every game released one the PS was crap. If it wasn't, it was released on another platform as well.


Ps & PS2, go die!


PC rules forever!

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Guest DarthGohan1016

well first let me say Yikes, :p and second I know what you mean, but just how much money do you have *L* I dont know about you but buying PS2 and Starfighte are gonna wipe me out for awhile, and i think that by the time I have enough money saved up to buy another game, they will have made another game that looks good, like the Newest Final Fantasy smile.gif and hey leave PS alone, it was a great game system in it's time, sure JPB was a let down, but it's still a good console

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I think Sony sort of ignores their customers. They don't have the support, like say...Sega. They offer much more in the way of a gaming experience, like the Dreamcast shipping with a modem. The PS2 don't even have a modem yet, and they charge you extra to buy it. Stupid!


Anyway, Pc rules, DC is ok and Sony ignores their customers!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Well said, Pedro!


Shenmue looks like it will rock! Actually, there are a lot of good games out for the DC, but PS2 looks like it is coming short in the games division. Then what is the point of buying it!

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Guest Dave Maul

You get a DVD player, CD Player and 128-bit games console, upgradable in the future with the Internet and a Hard Drive, for a few hunderd dollars.




Dave Maul

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Well, it's all a matter of opinion and personal preferences. If you're into low-cost gaming over a long period of time, consoles are an excellent solution, assuming you get one you like and can afford.


In my mind, a good console is measured by the quantity and quality of games for it (regardless of the specs or hype). And it goes without saying that there's little point in buying a console that doesn't have the games you like to play available for it.



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Guest skarulez

Well you guy i read the forum and i gust wented to say some words on the topic and there are.................






As much as this whole topic is SO over used everywhere i just like to say thanks for a boring read



STARFIGHTER FOREVER thank you and goodnight



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Guest DarthGohan1016

Well, I heard somewhere that PS2 will not only play old PS games, but enhance some of the graphics on them smile.gif also, give the PS2 a break sure it doesnt have a hundred games, but it hasnt even come out yet, I wont be buying StarWars Bombad racing, but I am sure there will be other SW games for PS2

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It is true that a "bonus" feature of the PS2 will be the "backwards compatability" of most (but not all) PSX games, with minor enhancements for some titles.


Of course, if you own a PC, those same benefits can be had with use of Bleem! or possibly Virtual Gaming Station (especially if you own a Mac). Plus the bleem!cast for Dreamcast will offer the same features, albeit with more disc swapping.


The DVD compatability is a definate plus, although it won't be a nice as a dedicated DVD player or high quality DVD ROM, and you still need a seperate attachement (if I'm not mistaken).


Anyhow, I'm not that interested in PS2 of yet (haven't seen enough games for it to my liking to justify the expense). But, who knows...



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Guest Darth_Simpson

I'm not saying that the PS2 is really bad, I'm just saying it has gotten too much attention from everyone. It is a gaming console, not a revolution as Sony claims!

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Hmm... well I do have some computer games for my pc (Tomb raider 5 & 6, commandoes, thief, gangster, and railroads) they came with it in a deal, but anyways arent 3-d accelerators,bleem, etc needed to play any of the new computer games, and I find it easier and cheaper to buy consoles than to enhance my computers gaming system, also, I like Sony but *L* I didnt know they were claiming it was gonna revolutionize gaming systems, altho, I think that the Game cube already looks better than PS2 and it might be a step ahead of PS2 and DC.

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bleem! is (I used to think it was an emulator, but though it appears to work like one it actually "translates" certain parts of it) a shareware program that can play PSX games. It can play them in software mode, so they resemble the way they are on your TV, or they can be played using your 3D accelerator to enhance them graphically so they actually look better than on a regular PSX. bleem! is for playing PSX discs on your PC, nothing more.


Most new games do require a 3D accelerator of some kind, however many do not (ie: Unreal Tournament had software support) often because they use older engines which had support for software back when fewer people had 3D accelerators.



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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by Kurgan:

It is true that a "bonus" feature of the PS2 will be the "backwards compatability" of most (but not all) PSX games, with minor enhancements for some titles.




Hey Kurg, gotta correct you.


The PS2 is backward compatible with All Us Playstation titles... ony 12 games are not working properly. Those games are all japanese titles that we have never(will never) see on US shores.


And most of the new games coming out right now for PS will feature slight enhancements whilst running on the PS2 (ie, anti-aliasing, smoothing out polygons, improving frame rate, texture mapping will be slightly improved, blah blah blah)


I know I'm forgetting something, but too bad... I'll get back to ya on that.







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Guest Saesee Tom

Go PC! PC rules!


Who am I kidding, I spend so much time sitting right here that I think I am going to be sick from monitor radiation.


PS2 is overhyped, yes. But so was The Phantom Menace, and the other films. Whattya gonna do? Forget about what the press say, go with you gut instinct.


My gut says I'm hungry. smile.gif




Hayden Christensen in 'Star Wars Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire?'

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