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Hopefully my last thread on behaved


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I worked on doing what somebody told me on my last message, I tryed everything, the edited objectives file does change the objectives in kejim post, and I tryed to work on the file in behaved and it said it compiled ok. HNow is there any special place I put these files, as far as directories go. And I tryes to use the spawnscript in the worldspawn but it still didn't work, how should I put the directory for this down?

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it depends on where you have your bsp...here's an example


your map is in base/maps, and it's called natesmap


you should also have a base/scripts directory. create a folder in base/scripts called natesmap i.e. base/scripts/natesmap


now, in your worldspawn spawnscript key, the value will be




assuming you've called your script "misobj.ibi"...never use the .ibi extension.


that should make it work!

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