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Nar Shaddaa Starport Help


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Okay, here is the situation. I just rescued that Lando person, and I am in the room with the big huge hole with red sides. Then at the far end there's a really dark room. I wasted my batteries trying to find a way up. The pillars seem too high to jump. Is there another way to get past, or am missing something here?

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this is for that part:




Go out into the room, kill the cowhead then follow Lando to the lift. At the top, keep following him until you get to the window overlooking his ship. He'll stay there, and will tell Kyle

to find the flight control center and open the hangar roof doors. Go back down the corridor and take the lift to the room you first entered. The door on your right will be open. Go through the hallway and out into the room with the big pit. Kill the few enemies here and continue onward. You'll have to use your light goggles to get through this room. The exit leads you outside, where you'll be spending most of your time. Head over to the walkway far ahead of you, on the left. Snipe the greenhead, and then proceed down the walkway, taking the door at the end, on your right. Clear out the next room and continue around the corridor until you reach a door at the end, across from a window. Sneak a look up out the window; there is a greenhead waiting to zap you. Go through the door and out on to a new walkway. Kill the cowhead in front of you and then look up to the left at the turrets shooting you. Take them out and then jump up to them. There are a number of guys in thisroom. Grab the two health canisters and continue through the lefthallway. This will lead you to a juncture with a door in front, to the left, and to the right. Go straight, kill the greenhead and hit the button. Lando radios in to say he now has access to the starpad. Headout of the room, and with your back facing the corridor you came from,take the door on the right. Go down the ramp and check out the largebuilding in front of you, on the other walkway (the one with the twolarge pipes leading into it). This is the hangar. Move around the walkways, following the hangar perimeter all the way around until youcan go in the big entrance. You'll meet up with Lando, and then fendoff a large attack. Lando tells you to hold them off while he tries tostart the ship. Once they're all dead, join Lando inside the ship and he'll give you two objectives; fix the fuel lines to the ship, and findthe controls for the roof doors.



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