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force lightning modding question


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How would one edit force lightning to knock back or knock down the target.

The most important thing is, when they are shocked they fall or get "pushed" back , but not instantly. A small delay.

Oh and yes I have the tools to code, but obviously not the knowledge. "ANY" help would be appreciated, thanx.

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It makes the knockback more powerful the farther away you are from the target! I think you'll want to fix that. :D


You should also consider that that will happen 100% of the time if the player lands even ONE point of damage to the target. This seems rather cheap. I'd suggest you do one of the following:


1. make the knockback be based on the time the other player has been in the lightning. IE, no knockback until you get hit by lightning for 3 seconds or something


2. Make the knockback be based inversely to range. and make the knockback just push a little without knocking you down until you get close enough to the player.


NOTE: You'll still have to balance lightning somehow because this knockdown ability could be REALLY abused by knocking someone down and then sabering them repeatedly.

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Originally posted by razorace

It makes the knockback more powerful the farther away you are from the target! I think you'll want to fix that. :D


Öhm... wait a second... you say knockback not knockdown ??


You mean that velocity... hmm... ( i am scaling that pushing

power with distance between Me and Enemy X 1.5...)


Hmm... :D ok i quess that should be changed a bit...


Originally posted by razorace

You should also consider that that will happen 100% of the time if the player lands even ONE point of damage to the target. This seems rather cheap.


Yes... actually i wanted it like that... (if you get hit you

are screwed)




1. Lightning can be blocked with saber (when defence

level is at least 2) and this blocking is automatic... you

just need to be ready and keep enemy close to



2. You don't "use" absorb power anymore... it is totally

automatic defence against lightning and drain (you just

need to be ready and keep enemy near to crosshire...)


- Level 1 blocks the attack and gives you some force...

- Level 2 blocks the attack and gives you some force

and health

- Level 3 blocks the attack, drains force from attackers

force pool and gives you bit more force and health and

(is maybe going to) reflect that lightning attack back...

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Thanks alot guys... Yeah I keep on thinking of ideas to balance it out. Like I said before, I need some delay before the target gets knocked back or down i don't want it cheap.

If i could have it my way, it would take alot of coding.


Level 1 lightning: knockback/down

Level 2 lightning: control them like grip for about 2 seconds max

Level 3 lightning: unblockable knockback but the cost is extreme

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Oh yeah,

And does anyone know how to get both light and dark side powers? I can't seem to get it. The forcemod beta 1 can't work with omnimod. I can't even find where to edit the jetpack's fuel. I don't want it to take away my shields. I'd rather it take away blaster ammo or something. However, thanks to this forum, I learning some stuff... Thanks again AJL for that code. And Razor, those were some good ass ideas for balancing.

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Originally posted by razorace

There's another problem with the suggested modifications; Gunners don't stand a chance against a lightning user.


I though you would think like that...


But you DON'T know the POWER of the blaster rifle! :D


I MUST tell you this....:


This following text will show you the true nature of

the SXF2 force/gun balance.... or...




In my SFX2 mod blaster rifles are extremely powerfull

(when compared to normal JK2...)


Their projectiles fly MUCH faster and usually couple

hits is enough to kill...


But still true... guy with force powers and saber is

superior over guy with guns...


Although i wouldn't say that lightning would be so

big threat for gunners... (at least not then when it

is finished...)


My plan is to make lightning so that it doesn't fire

when you press it but when you release it... and

so that you need to hold down that button for

at least second or it doesn't fire at all...


And then so that if you hold it over 1 second then

it fires couple seconds long burst, if you hold it over

3 seconds then bit longer burst and if you hold it

over 6 seconds then it will fire without releasing

and it will fire continuously untill you release

button or force pool is gone...


And i am also planning to force you to stop or slow

you down when you fire it... and you will extend your

hand when you press that button not when you fire...


So... lightning user is a sitting duck for 1-6 seconds

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Well, that might do it. However...


1. FYI, MotF has already done lethal weapon damage / faster speed. I'd be sure to nerf the alt fire on the blaster rifle, it's insanely unbalanced unless you do so. Also, let me know if you figure out a way to prevent the bolts from visually passing thru players a little bit. The engine wasn't designed to handle missile fire at the kind of velocities we're dealing with. :)


2. What if the force user held the lightning button down while hiding around a corner?


3. What about ffa fights? It would be rather easy to just come up to a furball, hit both players with lightning, and then turn them into chopped liver with your saber.


4. What does SXF2 stand for? :)


I think holding down the button is an interesting idea, but it seems to me that it could be abused by selective hit-and-run tactics.

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Originally posted by razorace

Well, that might do it. However...


1. FYI, MotF has already done lethal weapon damage / faster speed. I'd be sure to nerf the alt fire on the blaster rifle, it's insanely unbalanced unless you do so. Also, let me know if you figure out a way to prevent the bolts from visually passing thru players a little bit. The engine wasn't designed to handle missile fire at the kind of velocities we're dealing with. :)


In SFX2 bryar pistol and E11 rifle are basically same weapon

(i mean they works same way...) but E11 have higher firerate,

higher dispersion, higher energy cost and higher "power"


With power i don't mean that actual damage but their ability

to penetrate energy shields... (if there are no shields they

make same damage)


(And with both guns Primary and Secondary fire are same

semiautomatic fire... > one shot per one press of fire< )


Clone cannon is like E11 but even higher shield penetration

power and it is fully automatic gun...


(One possible idea for E11 secondary fire was/is

stunning fire like in SW EP4... but if i am going to

do that... don't know...)


Originally posted by razorace

2. What if the force user held the lightning button down while hiding around a corner?


3. What about ffa fights? It would be rather easy to just come up to a furball, hit both players with lightning, and then turn them into chopped liver with your saber.


I am not exactly sure what you mean... ??


Originally posted by razorace

4. What does SXF2 stand for? :)


I think holding down the button is an interesting idea, but it seems to me that it could be abused by selective hit-and-run tactics.


SFX >> SaberFX (original SFX mod was just saber effect mod..)


>> you mean that lightning users would press down that

force button, hold it down, run for you and release ??


If you mean that --- it doesn't work... (activating will force

you to stop or walk...)

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Originally posted by Markaine

Oh yeah,

And does anyone know how to get both light and dark side powers? I can't seem to get it. The forcemod beta 1 can't work with omnimod. I can't even find where to edit the jetpack's fuel.


Sorry but, could either one of you gus help me on this?


Thanx again

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Some small modification (such as Jedi Moves) you can combine with Mods (such as JediMOD, JediPLUS, and OmniMOD) . The Jedi Moves mod is the only modification I found that actually is mod compatible. I tried combining the Forcemod with OmniMOD but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe it'z me or many these mods are not designed to work with other mods. :saberr::dmaul3::sprobe::sithm::holosid:

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Yeah...the files will overwrite each other. I don't know the code...sorry :( Maybe they should just make a mod that has everything of Forcemod and OmniMOD. It wouldn't be such a bad idea.:D I am also trying to figure out a way to combine these two mods, but no success so far. The thing is that when you load up Forcemod, the menu lets you select certain things such as allowing Dark and Light side of the force be used all at once, burning fuel while in flight, etc. You have to figure out a way to combine both the menu from forcemod with the menu of OmniMOD. I think it'z impossible, but I could be wrong. Someone will figure out a way to do that. :saberr::dmaul3::sprobe::sithm::holosid:

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I wish, but it's not that easy. there's more than just combinding the ui from Forcemod to Omnimod's. There some code to edit still(that I'm trying to figure out...). But even if I do, I not allowed to distribute my edited version of Their hard work. And it is good work that they did. I wish AJL was here....He gave me a sweet a-- code for something I'm working on. Oh yeah, thanks it worked AJL!!!!:D

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Originally posted by AJL

With power i don't mean that actual damage but their ability

to penetrate energy shields... (if there are no shields they

make same damage)

Interesting. MotF is getting rid of shields anyway. Not realistic. We're switching it to armor but it'll probably have roughly the same characteristics as the shields.
(And with both guns Primary and Secondary fire are same

semiautomatic fire... > one shot per one press of fire< )

Neat, I've been considering doing that for MotF but I haven't gotten to it yet. Are you making sure to have at least a small debounce time on the shots? You can press a mouse button much faster than you could pull a gun trigger. :)
(One possible idea for E11 secondary fire was/is stunning fire like in SW EP4... but if i am going to do that... don't know...)
Yeah, I was thinking about that too. The problems I see with it are:

1. The effect would be hard to do.

2. If the gun is lethal to start with, why use stun?


I am not exactly sure what you mean... ??
Nevermind, I missed the whole walking/stopped-while-lightning concept.


The offer of doing merger talks is still open. :)

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Originally posted by Markaine

Ok, easy question, I think....

Well not easy for me but, how do you edit the damage of force lightning?


Please, does anyone know how to get both light and dark side powers

It's the int dmg varible under ForceLightningDamage().


As for using both light and dark side powers, that requires a lot of coding.

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Originally posted by Orbitäl


Those links to ur mod are down. :(


Yes i know... i removed it intentionally...


(it was already old... there were no blocking of any

kind against for lightning and...)


I meant to upload newer version but then... i got

new problems... (and it is not fully working (like i

want) now but i may upload current version to my

web space pretty soon anyway if someone

happens to be intrested of testing it...)

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Originally posted by AJL

I don't know if this is good way to do it but it works) if it causes

lag or something that i don't know... (i am not professional)


But add this in to w_force.c >> void ForceLightningDamage >> if dmg


if ( traceEnt->client )........................



how could I code it to allow me to break this attack while on the ground? Or would I have to edit the "on the ground animation" to allow me to do something?

The way I have it set up so far is, when you're hit by lightning, you can't get up or do anything unit they let you go.(Luke in ROTJ couldn't do shet.....heh)

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