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I cannot open my assets0 folder without it not responding! What program should you use to view it? Every time i try it takes like 5 min. just to get 1% loaded! and no one will just make me a Sp conversion of what i want so i have to try myself! Sorry for the anger i know people have lives and jobs it is just frustrating. I wish i was better at this kinda thing but unfortunately i suck at it!

Please if you can help me don't hesitate!

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You can use Winzip, PakScape or any other zip-supported software.


The file is quite large, 510 MB, so it may take up quite a fair bit of system memory to open up.


I suggest maybe closing down some programs, and extracting what you need.


If you PM me the details of what you need for your modification, I might be able to send you the files from my assets0.pk3. ;)

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