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Stuck (on doomgiver)


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For some reason I am stuck trying to disable the shields on the doomgiver ship. I have killed all the troopers and the robots, but I can't find the security key to open the door . Do you have to get the bridge to extend out to the tower in the middle. I have looked all around but can't figure it out. Please help!

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here is the walkthrough for that part:




Move out of the room you start and on to a long ledge that curves around

a circular room with a pit and a large structure in the middle. Practice

your new and improved Force Grip to hurl the 8 or 9 troops into the pit,

and then take the first door on your left. Walk down the stairs, hang a

right, and check out the curved hallway. There are 4 peacock robots in

here...move all the way down this hallway to the end, ignoring the steps

up to the right for now. Once you're at the end, and shoot out the

turret, go up these stairs into a control room. Take out the officers

and troops, use the shield regen unit, and flip the switch by the

window. Look out and you'll see an extra support strut extending out to

the structure in the middle. Go out of the room, back down the stairs,

and stop when you're under the destroyed turret. Face the hallway and

notice all of the locked red-lit doors along the right. Move back along

the hallway, counting those doors as you go. turn left at the 6th door,

and go up the stairs and straight out to the ledge (take note of the door

to your left as you go up the stairs). When you come out the door,

you'll be looking straight where you need to go. Hop down on the pipe,

and jump up to the door. You'll need to open it using the switch on the

right...it's difficult, but you can inch your way over. Inside the

structure there will be four closed window panels on the floor. Jump up

to the ledge above, kill the troopers and the officer, and take his

security key. Hop down, exit the structure, move back along the pipe,

and go straight through the door again (you'll see the troopers pouring

out of it). This time, go into that side room at the top of the stairs.

Unlock the door in this room, and then turn to your right to press the

red button. You'll see a cutscene of those four window panels opening

up. go back out to the ledge, along the pipe and into the structure.

Hop down in the hole on the left that is furthest from the door.




Mucking around in the Tunnels


Walk through the tunnels all the way to the end, then look up.

Use Force Push to open the window, and jump out. go out the door into a

room with a shadowtrooper. Kill him and take the door to the next room,

with two hoverdroids behind forcefields. Take the lift up, kill the two

officers and the trooper, then snag the supply key. Go out the door, and

head out to the intersection of the walkway. You can go forward to grab

some goodies if you want, but come right back out and look up to the next

walkway above. I wouldn't advise jumping straight up...you'll set off a

tripmine. Jump up on to the pipes to the side, and then detonate the

mine. Hop on to the walkway and take the left door. Break the window

to your right, and jump down to where the droid is. You'll face two

Reborn Jedi here. Take the hallway leading out, but be careful of the

ceiling turrets right outside. Fill up on the shield regen unit past

the turrets, then take the lift up. Curve around behind you and tackle

the two peacock robots. Take the only open door out to the shield

generator. Check out the four support tubes leading into it from the

wall, and carefully examine the boxes over each one. Notice the little

red antenna? that's what is generating the field around the pipes.

Destroy those boxes, and the little shields will come down. Then throw

your saber to destroy the pipes themselves. After they're all gone,

you'll see a nice cutscene between Kyle and Fyaar, who's decked out in

some nice mechanical armor. You'll learn that Desann's forces have

already started the attack on the Jedi academy. The two exchange

insults, Kyle destroys the generator, and then you get to fight =).




Fyaar Strategies


There are a number of ways to beat him. I recommend first

noting that Fyaar's suit generates a forcefield, and he has the same

little red antenna by his head. Hmmm.....start circling around the

disabled shield generator in the center of the room. Fyaar is too slow

to catch up. Start off with the alt-fire from the repeater, launching

the energy bursts at his shield. Once it's down, quickly switch to your

Force Speed and saber combo. try to get around behind him and slash at

the antenna. If you take too long, the shield will come back up and

you'll have to try again. Once it's down for good, I recommend sticking

with the famous speed/slash routine. As long as you stay behind Fyaar,

he won't be able to turn around fast enough to smack you.



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