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need a LOT of help please....

MASTER Siggeman

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the NPC scaling values in npc.cfg should do the job. If not perhaps it's hardcoded to be that large, then no one can help.


For textures you can use Photoshop or PSP to generate some cnavas effect over a beige background, that ususally solve the problem when it comes to clothing.

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I ran into the same trouble re-sizing Desann in SP. I always liked to switch him out with Vader, and make him alot broader.


What I found was that changing the scale would work fine as long as I commented out the figures for his height, width, and crouchheight, like so:




fullName "Desann"

playerModel desann

saberColor red

rank captain

reactions 3

aim 3

move 5

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

scale 135

// height 78

// crouchheight 42

// width 18

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class desann

yawSpeed 120

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd desann

sndcombat desann

sndjedi desann

health 500

dismemberProbHead 10

dismemberProbArms 35

dismemberProbLegs 10

dismemberProbHands 50

dismemberProbWaist 10



Then set the scale to 100 (where he'll be Kyle's size) or bigger or smaller, or whatever you want. The models seem to be pretty flexible until you pass 160 or so.


You can also break down your scaling with "scalex" "scaley" and "scalez" to skew a npc's dimensions, like making him short and fat or tall and skinny.

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