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Poor Preformance


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My preformance is very poor, when I move my cursor on screen, the movement is seconds behind my actual mouse movement, slow, skipping frame rates, and very choppy. This can also be said for the general 1st/3rd person vision in general- very choppy. If anyone has any idea how I can fix this (*note, this also happens on other games like this) I would appriciate it. Here are some specs:

EMachines, AMD Athlon 1800+

ProsavageDDR vid card

256mb of ram

Thanks in advance.

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Do you get any slowdown with your mouse cursor on your desktop when generally using your computer, or is it just with games?


ProsavageDDR vid card
I personally haven't heard of that video card, so I don't know if that's minimal for gaming graphics. What model is your card? VIA ProSavageDDR PN266T?


I can only suggest upgrading your video card drivers, by checking the authors site, also making sure you have the latest DirectX may also help.


If it was just JK2, it might've been easier to target a solution, but since it appears to be other games to, I think it may have to do with your video card.

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