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two questions


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i´m back with questions, as i promised...


1. how can i make stormtroopers run arround? the remain a the spot a placed them and start shooting at me...but thtas all.


2. i am not able to rotate objects like cargoboxes. what am i doing wrong?


so long


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2) solved, thank you!


1) i´m not using a script yet. i don´t know anything about scrpting. where can i find a script or a tutorial to writing one?


and now i have new probelm: to use lighting in my level i tried to compile my map in the fullvis-mode.

when i play the level all rooms are 100% lighted. what is wrong?

tank you


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to make an NPC run around in combat, place combat points around your map (right click grid view, select point> point_combat). NPC's will move to the nearest combat point and do what it tells them (press N to select options such as crouch, flee etc). If you don't have enough combat points for all your enemies, then some will still stay where they are.


hope that helps....non-combat movement has to be done with scripting - let me know if you want to know how to do that :D

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the lighting problem is an old yet unsolvable one if it is the one i'm thinking of.


you can only have so many light emmitting surfaces and entities inyour map. also, your map cannot exceed a certain size - because of the light grid.


but here is what i've tried to do before,

put this in the worldspawn

key: gridsize

value: 1024 1024 1024

you can try 128 and 512 as well.


many textures you may have used might have a surface light parm that may not be neccessary to light the area; switch those textures, and try to reduce the amount of light entities in your map.


make sure your map does not go beyond the 5,000 ish grid line in any one axis. If it is a long map, consider condensing it to 2 levels, section on top of section. This method worked for one of my maps. I added on a section and next thing i know its rediculously bright and nothing i did changed it; except putting that section underneath.


And the dreadfull but sure fix; start cutting your map down in size till it works, yuk.

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