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Web integration


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Would it be possible to create a web interface for the simpler things in SWG?


I was thinking of a few just now -

- character status

- news & events (Galactic, planetary, town, PA)

- PA management

- posting on the in game boards

- buying from 'online' merchants(holonet-ready vendors)

- bidding in an e-bay like auction system


Actually, just put the datapad online. :)


I realize this won't be in for launch, unless of course we're all in for a huge suprise, but it'd make a great suject for one of the first updates.


Any comments? Ideas of what could be accessed? Any technical viewpoints?

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Do you mean like a board where players check before logging on? For like checking what's going on in the game world? That'd be pretty cool if you could put like a Wanted sign on there so it would make finding a job easier for Bounty Hunters.

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It wouldn't have to be before you log on...you could check the statuts of your PA War at school, see your shops profits from the other day, see if you won that mandolorian armor that was up for bidding...from anywhere with an internet connection.


The possibilities are quite endless.

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