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Missing moves & lightsaber style


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Is it possible to add the missing moves (Cart wheel etc.) and the 2 lightsaber styles to the upcoming patch??


Not all mods out there support these extra's. :( Its a shame really i do enjoy starting the single player game just to watch the Jedi training with all the extra cool moves !!


Help us out here !!!:D

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Two missing styles? You mean Desann's and Tavion's?


I really doubt adding those would be a good idea.

If you are more into Jedimod-type of silly emotions and 2ft tall midgets wielding two double edged sabers and kissing each other than balanced gameplay then I suggest you stick to mods that cater for you. :)


That stuff is not needed in official versions of the game.


As far as I know, there will be no patch. They're thinking about making a expansion pack, though...we'll see.

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