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Hmm help plz


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Hey all...I recently made a new npc.....he is a rebel with a red lightsaber. I spawned him and spawned a stormtrooper to test how he fights...he uses an invisible blaster and has a lightsaber embeded in his crotch...can anyone help me to fix the invisible blaster, make him use the lightsaber, and not have it in his crotch?


Also, I made a rodian with a lightsaber and for some reason it works fine.




here you can see my problem with the saber in the crotch


please answer this ASAP



Thanks in advance.


[EDIT] Oh also please don't say to search for the topic because I have and haven't found anything[/EDIT]

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I'm not sure why your rodian worked but I've tried the same thing. The following are true. If you want to create a totally new character this will by default give him/her a blaster. If you want to edit an existing character's files that will give them the weapon that npc has. To fix the lightsaber being in the right place problem you will need to edit an existing character (who uses a light saber) and will need to KEEP his/her model. Do not use a new one. Because somehow the models are set up specially so that it knows where to put the npcs weapon. So just edit an existing character (with your desired weapon) and DONT change the model but you can change the skins. And such. I know its annoying but after hours of fooling around with it thats what I came up with. ;)

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I want to clear up what I said above this message.


1)Weapons appearing in the wrong place is caused by either making a new character file or by changing one of the models in game that a character uses.


2)So edit an existing character (with your desired weapon)


3)Don't change the model


4)You can pretty much change everything else including the skin.

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Thanks Nate that worked for all my npcs except my rebel jedi. I gave him the luke class with luke properties I changed the health sound and saber color but this time I can see the luke saber hilt in the rebels hand but he still has an invisible blaster and refuses to use the saber even if the blaster is pulled from him.

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thats where I've found my match as well. I've found the model skins. You can find them some where in the models folder or something, I'm not exactly positive. However you could try copying all the rebel skins you can find and pasting them to a folder. Now take all those skins and rename them accordingly so that each different body part matches the one part of the skin that luke has. So for example. If you have a rebel skin called torso_rebel and a luke skin file that says torso_luke. Just rename the torso_rebel file to torso_luke and get rid of the luke skin file. Making sure to put all of your newly named skins in the directory of course. However this is not guarenteed to work. Some skins are set up differently than others so it might get really screwed up but its worth a try. If you want me to do this for you I can.

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Its going to be in the assets0.pk3 file in the directory models/players/whatever the person is. Here you will find there skins. Just rename or replace or both, all the files you can find with the rebel files. so if you see something like torso for rebel and torso for luke replace the luke one with the rebel one.

Heres a face thing you should change:

face_01 face

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I did what I said for you to do. But there is one problem. Because like I said the skins have to be designed for that model or else there are going to be problems. I did it but there definetly were problems. Since the luke model doesn't have any accesries file than the model wasn't built to incorperate them. which means the rebel will not have the helmet and will not have a belt and other things. I also found some trouble with his legs. However his torso worked out fine. I'm sending you the .pk3 file I created in email. But like I said it didn't work out right. What you could do (however it would probably take much to long) is to customly make the textures yourself. So if you find the rebel nose cut the nose out of the skin file and paste it right on top of the nose in the luke skin file and so on and so on. I might have been able to do this but it would have taken much much to much time plus it wouldn't still really look like a perfect character.

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