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Having Troubles with JKii.net's download section............


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Just wondering if some of the Veterans to this site can give me some help. Just got back into JKII, been a while since i played it. Put the game on a new computer, and deleted all my files off of my old one, some of those files (skins, sabers, etc.) were from http://www.jediknightii.net's download section. I went to access the site the other night, in order to regain those deleted downloads, and the website would not load. Luckily the past two days i have been able to get on it. Unfortuneatly any time i click on a download, i will go to the information site, and the screenshot/ picture of the download will not come up, it just turns into the little red x in a box pic. Well i remembered one file i wanted to download and went to dl it, and it won't download at all, I tried using getright and i can't connect, it seems that i cannont download any files at all. something seems to be amiss. i have a perfectly good connection (t3 i believe) my computer is well up to date. not sure what to do, any advice would be greatly appreciated!


~Thankyou so much~




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ok whoops it seems i made a minor error, i can download some files, however NONE of the pics on any of the downloads will load, and a specific file i desire,


will not download, if anyone has any suggestions or has the file i seek plz send me an email,



~Thankyou Again~


*Guitar Dork*

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