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Maxxing out Melee and healing skill b4 beginning Jedi Training.


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Recently I've been considering joining a PVP server (after learning the ropes on a normal server) and I dont know what to think about a Jedi's role on this server would be even if they could maintain one... Probably will be very few jedi would survive the endless melee on a PVP server by Gankers.


But this made me think, Will being flagged force sensitive, make you permadeath? Or do you have to make it to Padiwan before permadeath? Would it be possible to master a Melee skill or any defensive, healing or other skills on your force sensitive character BEFORE you get flagged Jedi initiate or Padiwan? I think these things would have a great impact on the whole outlook of Permadeath. On a normal server if you could master some of these abilities before you have to start living a Death free lifestyle, it would definately make the Jedi masterhood journey a little easier. But on the same token, Its one thing to lose a Padiwan and have to start over with 20 hours played, but to perma death with 1500 hours played and a full set of skills that would have a sting like no other.


What do YOU think?

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From the way I understand it and I pray im wrong, but you have to get Master status just to survive ONE death, and after a few deaths instead of dying you will go Blue Glowy. But before that you die you poof. Otherwise I'd just never master out, I'd stop juuuuuust before that to avoid permadeath.

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The "potential jedi slot" is permadeath, but not after one death, but 3-5 (the real number has not been revealed, but they said more than one, but not a lot more). So, a pvp jedi will propably not live for long, as pvp can be really deadly in most mmorpgs. Even if you have a good team, with high powered characters, if you get caught in crossfire from two separate good teams, the only thing left of you will be the scorch-marks in your back... moahahaha!

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Goood question. It all depends where on the skill tree the titles of "intiate", "padawan", etc, are located. I'm guessing that the Jedi profession will consist of a limited and pre-designed tree, and from what I understand, until you reach master status, you can die 2 or 3 times before permadeath.



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