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How were you introduced to the MI series?


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Well, I was first introduced to the monkey island series by a couple of freak accident's. You see, about 3 month ago, I had $33.00 on me and I went to best buy first. I saw Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction on sale with a big 2 for $25.00 sign on it, and I went up to buy them. Turns out that the dumbass shop clerk put up a 2 for $25 when he should have put up a 2 for $35 sign up. The manager said that it ain't my fualt and he sold me the movies for $25. So I go next door to Game Trader (A local game store in Portland, Oregon) because I thought I might have been able to buy a PS2 game cheap. Sure enough, there was a big bargain bin full of crap that no one would want. Each game cost $7.95, so I knew I could have any one. After plowing through boxes, I found the preverbial diamond in the rough. Escape From Monkey Island. I'd heard of it and it's predacessors, but never played one and had no idea what to expect. I was also intrigued by the 5 out of 5 rating on the box with the tagline "We need more games like this", so I was excited by a game that was different. So I go up there, and the damn game rings up $14.95, and I told him I found it in the bargain bin, and he was pissed that the new guy who set up the bargain bin put that in there, so he took the $7.00 that was missing and took it out of his paycheck.:D


I took it home and was instantly hooked, the great graphics, puzzles, and the great dialouge and pop culture refrences (Iron Maiden! Excellect!). I was absolutly shocked when people started to tell me that one of my now favorite games was actually the weakest game of the series and couldn't hold a candle to the first 3 games. I also credit Escape From Monkey Island with getting me into the adventure genre in general. I've since beating EMI have bought and beat Syberia. Great game.


A few days ago, I earned a bunch of money and wen't adventure game nuts on the Lucas Arts company store. I bought the first 3 monkey island games, along with Grim Fandango, Day Of The Tenticle, Indiana Jones and the Curse Of Atlantis, and the almighty Sam And Max Hit The Road. Since buying the monkey island games, I've okked up every nook and crannie about the games, and can't wait to get them. *Looks at mailbox* COME ON! HURRY UP!

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