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Like I said about gunning


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Starcraft's infamous movies show his midair's. Now his clan has challenged EJM on http://www.teamwarfare.com in both tdm ff and ctf ff. Me, Detritic, and the rest will show you that air shots and show off real gunning shots are not the way to win like stated in a previous post. Both Rise and EJM will use more ground shots and we will record a demo and post it. It doesn't matter who will win, alhtough Hoodwinker predicts a win for us. However, it will show that most of these people will be using ground shots and not mid air's.

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I can't say much about him because I haven't really seen him play much, but any reputation starcraft has is completely tainted he was in a clan called TEL (THE ELITE LAMMAS) LoL if you were around competition in the summer you'd know how much of a joke this clan was it's not just the stupid name.

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