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How Do I Convert SP Hilts to MP?


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I'm doing a hilt pack for a mod & there are some cool SP hilts out there, but they don't work in MP in a seperate folder. Most of these hilts consist of a .jpg & a .glm file. How do I edit the .glm file so that the correct .jpg texture will be used?


I have tried editing it using milkshape (since modview crashes) but I don't understand how to use it that well. i tried importing the .glm, then making a quake control file, then making the .md3, but when I try to convert the md3 to .glm it says something has to be 1 frame only. Anyways, I am totally lost here & I could use some help. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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when you make the MD3 you first have to make a Qc file right, well before saving the file completely but after making the qc file you open up the qc file with notepad, there you see something like frames 1-30 change this to 1-1

the export it to md3.

now you open md3view and export to glm, now it should be working.


if the skin won't work you have to edit the qc file again and export it to md3 and glm

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