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Transparent Images


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Hi everyone reading this :)


I'm trying to make a hud Image that displays on the bottom left and bottom right screen transparent. So i went and looked at hudleft.tga and hudrightframe.tga in the assets0.pk3. I noticed that the black portions were transparent in the game. So i edited the code, and changed them to the tgas i made. When i load, i see the whole image that i made, i see no transparency where my black parts are. What did i forget to do?



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are your targas named the same as hudleft.tga and hudrightframe.tga ? There probably is a shader which tells the game to replace black with transparent, which references those names, so just rename your images to hudleft.tga and hudrightframe.tga . Or if that doesn't work, just replace the black with transparent yourself (TGA is 32 bit colour - four hex values, red, green, blue and alpha).

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