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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

have no pygmy marmoset fetish, for I am in love with Joan of Arc. notice how she casts a disapproving eye upon all that i post

<--thats Joan of Arc. JOAN OF ARC'S CLONE THAT IS.


I've lost my mind :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


You, sober up.


Originally posted by Zargon

thats new, and you are in love with a totally psycoic dead woman taht believes she was an instrument of god.........why doesn't this surprise me?


You, more respect for canonized people.

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I damaged my logic circuits upon re-entry early this week. Fortunately, my heatshield remained intact and i was able to wrestle the craft to a hard landing in Kamchatka.


Last time I ever perform a self-installation of cyborg brain implants and pilot a prototype spacecraft propelled by hamster wheel turbines for the maritanian government in exile.


Seriously though, I love my avatar. I think it's the way she looks right at whatever I posted, frowning and with a tear in her eye. She weeps for me, and to an extent, humanity itself.

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It took me a while to make the metal connection between "t.A.T.u." and that unnamed song that my radio station frequently plays. (Does any one else listen to stations that do that? Play songs with no announcement of title or artist?)


It was one of those songs that I loved the music before I actually noticed the lyrics. For some utterly inexplicable reason, it keeps reminding me of Wheelie. You remember Wheelie, that orange, rhyming Transformer from G1.2?


Originally posted by Nute Gunray

No one likes Ghandi.


Aw, c'mon; everybody likes Ghandi. He's the loveable doofus of the gang.


But, if I can't get a date, then, I'll have to go . . .


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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Does any one else listen to stations that do that? Play songs with no announcement of title or artist?


Every radio station in the US, i think, does not announce the songs. Worse yet, on Saturday night, when they play dance/electronic stuff on Clear Channel they mix all the songs together so it's almost impossible to tell when one ends and another begins. (clear channel owns like half of all the radio stations in the US or something and broadcasts the same thing in every market and claims they're different stations)


They keep playing the same three Clone Highs over and over again. I've seen the ADD episode and the film fest episode like twelve times this week.

"hahahahaha, joan loves abe!"

"shut up sigmund freud!"

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