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behaved problems


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Have you copied (or moved) your .ibi files to an appropriate folder? They must be in a scripts subfolder in your base folder, preferably still in a mapspecific subfolder in the scripts folder. Or, of course, under similar structure in your .pk3. There's no telling, where BehavEd might be saving them, if you are not careful.

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Now, if you have been exact in your postings, you have already solved the problem.


"Cannot find script scripts/******.ibi"


This assumes (the game assumes) that your script is in the scripts subfolder, not in level specific subfolder in scripts (like, scripts/mylevel/myscript.ibi).


If you have your script in scripts/mylevel then in radiant in your scriptrunner, you must have path like mylevel/myscript. No .ibi extension in names in radiant, mind you.

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I got the message to disappear. The problem was that I used the wrong slash (I used \ instead of /)


so embarrasing :o


Now, I don't have a message, but nothing happens. The script runner is targeted, the trigger works, the path is correct.


This is the most frustration I've had so far in JK2 Editing.


Please help.

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never mind, I made a new one and it almost works fine.:rolleyes:


I still don't know what was wrong, but I tried others and they work too. I must of made a mistake.


Anyway, Kyle Katarn won't appear in my cutscene. Enemies see him ( they attacked me during the cutscene. Lukily, to go with the storyline I was invincible:))


So far, I want to thank everyone who has helped me, but as soon as this problems done, I will be done with my cutscene problems.

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I've asked many scripting questions before, but how do you make two NPCs fight eachother in a cutscene so neither die until the end.


I've tried anims, but have 700 blocks and it looks pathetic. I have the death properly done, but I need to know how to have a realistic battle (lightsaber swinging and blocking, acrobatics). When the NPCs are set to cinematic, they just stand there staring at eachother.:rolleyes: When they aren't, one moves away before the other one gets anywhere near it.

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It would be possible to script a fight scene, but super-super compex methinks. What they did in the game I think is just put them in a room together. If yu want the fight to go on for ages...increase their health, or even make them invinsible. Just make sure they are facing each other and enemies, in an area that isn't too big (if it is you could put in invibile barriers to stop them moving away) and they'll have a big saber fight with no need for scripting.

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Originally posted by master_thomas

New question. How do you move and manipulate brushes using scripting?



In my map, the place you are in starts to explode. To the point, I need debris falling from the ceiling and walls collapsing. How do I do this with scripting?



Got a few minutes?


You affect the objects you want to move with...move.


The instructions I got from the ICARUS manual were misleading, or perhaps just wrong.


Where the manual suggested that


move (<0 0 0>, <0 0 1000>, 1000)


would move a brush from 0,0,0 to 0,0,1000,


I found that it didn't move the brush at all, but turned it.


Some experimentation showed me that the first set are movement along the X Y and Z axes respectively.


The second set are rotation around the Y Z and X axes respectively. Why this order? I do not know.


Example 1


move (<0 0 90>, <0 0 0>, 1000)


would move the brush vertically 90 units in 1 second.


Example 2


move (<0 0 0>, <0 0 90>, 1000)


would move the brush nowhere, but rotate it 90 degrees around the X-axis in 1 second.


The rotate command seemed to work as described.


Hope I didn't further muddle an already difficult topic.


Then, of course, you could try just making the brushes func_breakable and use that debris option...

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