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A little saber help please..........!!!!


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Ok, so you have your saber. lets say it is this I hope you are using gmax or 3DSM:




l ......... l

l ....... l


l-------- l-bottom


Now go to Shapes, then choose "line" and create a triangle. Rename the triangle to tag_flash. Then right click on it and scroll down to "Covert to" and choose "Editable poly" then the trian;ge will look like this:



l \



Then position the triangle like this where you want the blade to come out.

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using MilkShape 1.6.4.......If you tell me I can't do this in Mikeshape I'm gunna throw myself out the window right now.....(good thing I'm on the groundfloor)......I've just got Gmax and 3Ds 5 but I haven't figured them yet..... Can this be done in Milkshape?


Thanks a lot for you time and help!

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Exported to 3DSM............created the trialgle as suggested and renamed.......imported back in to milkshape...editable poly is not there.........recompiled anyway..........still no joy


how do I move from a 3dsm file to the game?


Thanks mate!

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Hey Mike....I got the bale to show up by adding that tag statement you mentioned to the qc file shown below....but the sabre is pointing the wrong way.....it's not vertically out of the top of the hilt. Is there some parameter that i need to add to the tag statement?


// Quake III Arena MD3 control file, generated by MilkShape 3D


$model "Models/weapons2/saber/model.md3"

// reference frame

//$frames -1 -1

// frame 1-1

$frames 1 1

$flags 0

$numskins 0


// you can have one or no parent tag

//$parenttag "tag_flash"


// tags

$tag "tag_flash"


// meshes (surfaces)

$mesh "Lft-Legs"

$skin "Models/weapons2/saber/Saber.jpg"

$flags 0


$mesh "Han-Grp"

$skin "Models/weapons2/saber/Saber.jpg"

$flags 0


$mesh "Rt-legs"

$skin "Models/weapons2/saber/Saber.jpg"

$flags 0


$mesh "SP-Body"

$skin "Models/weapons2/saber/Saber.jpg"

$flags 0


$mesh "Spike"

$skin "Models/weapons2/saber/Saber.jpg"

$flags 0


Thanks man.

Junior our!

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Thanks Matt, you been a big help...........I figured out how to do it in Milkshape; but only with the suggestions you made. Thanks alot mate. Keep in touch. By the way you got to show me how to get these great picture you've got up here.......


Junior out!

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