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stupid avatar question...


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I should know this. . . oh yea


your options on User CP, at bottom, click "Change Avatar." Scroll down, amek sure you click on the Yes by "Use your own custum avatar" or sumthing like that. Click "Browse" and select it. Make sure it is less than 70 x 70 pixs and less than 20000 bytes <that one's a pain in the arse

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Since I'm a nice guy, I'll go into more detail:


Step 1) Click on "User CP."

Step 2) Click "Edit Options"

Step 3) Scroll down to end of options til you get to the 'Avatar" section

Step 4) Click on "Change Avatar" under you current pic

Step 5) Scroll down til you get to the "Custum Avatars" section

Step 6) By "Custum Avatar," there is a "yes" by a dot, click the dot so it has a lil black thingy in it. (It is above your current avatar)

Step 7) At the very bottom, there is an "Upload Custum Avatar" section. Click on "Browse"

Step 8) Select your pic (NOTE: make sure it is less than 70 x 70 pixels or 20,000 bytes)

Step 9) Click 'Submit Modifications"


If it still doesn't work... can't help you. Try going to the "Feedback & Help" Forum or contact an Administrator.

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