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How do you make multiple brushes move together?

Sephiroth CR

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Ok. I posted about a glass orb earlier, now I tryed to get a switch to move it downward. The orb is made of multiple bevels. I want the single switch to be able to move the hole entire orb as a whole. How would I do this? Everytime I've tryed to do anything so far, I always get the "entity not created, brushes not all from world. Could some one tell me how?

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Originally posted by Sephiroth CR

That confused me.:D lol. Could you expain that more clearly?

I meant that if you have made one (or more) of your 8 bevels into a func_plat earlier (anything in an entity is not a "world brush") you have to make it back into a normal bevel. An entity (as func_plat) can't be part of an other entity.


First select the earlier created func_plat and choose "Ungroup Entity" from the right-click menu. This will remove the func_plat and make your bevels into normal bevels again.


Now you can select your 8 bevels at once, and then turn them into a func_plat together.

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