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All you thugs


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BTW I never mentioned what type of thug I would be... I will be the infamous ninja thug!:D . Thrackan, Me and my clan of 5 or 6 would definently be intrested in some top of the line smoke bombs, (smoke covers lots of space)


(is that possible? Would it through people off IN GAME or would it just make the people out of game not be able to see?)

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Teras Kasi Artist here. Remaining points are currently heading into (in order) medium range rifle, heavy weapon basics and basic outdoorsmanship.


Heh all likely to change as NDA ends and specific info comes out. Also I will need some inspiration for roleplay of my profession and the info so far available on TKA is of zero use to character background invention.


Regardless I will have alot of points into melee combat and specifically unarmed melee combat. It will be a sharp surprise for the player who closes on me thinking my rifle skill is their greatest danger. And of course I will help that illusion by dressing according to most popular marksman or sniper clothing design.

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I really want to band together with some fellow weaponsmith and some smugglers and open a blackmarket type deal with a big consumer audience. Ill prolly use my "legel" gun shop called 'Point Blank" as a front or something.


Can't wait to see what kind of mind blowing weapons you fellow scum produce.

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