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I cant belive this happened. Im in need of some real help here. Just a few min ago i saved my MP map after adding a few entities to it. I shutdown GTK and proceded to open of JK2R because for some reason my sof2 compiler dosent work in GTK so i compile in JKR. but theres never been a prob until now. So i open up JK2R and goto open up my map file this is what i get:


Map_LoadFile: C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/dxjc.map

SourceSafe: Opening...


SourceSafe: Closeing...


Loading system/caulk...done.

Loading bespin/basic6...done.

Loading bespin/n_wall02...done.




\ /


Loading yavin/main_display01...done.

Loading model C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GAMEDATA\\base/models/map_objects/yavin/plant.md3... successful.

Loading models/map_objects/yavin/plant...done.

No worldspawn in map.







The map starts to load but all it ends up loading are the textures i used and a blank map with the unnamed.map as its name. So why did it just make a new map insteed of opening mine? ITs not like theres a Universal delet key that delets everything in your map. Also notice at the top it says loading but then its stops. ITs got to be in here, The map is a good size and the .map file is like 933kbs. oh god plz help, ive put to much time in this map now for it to goto waste.





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remember the map is just a text file, you can open it up and edit it if you need too...


A map file is broken down like this.





"classname" "WorldSpawn"

//brush 0









//Lots and lots of other brushes here...

//Brushes have 6 sides(its a 3d world you know), find the one thats broken and delete it, make sure the world spawn has a closing }




//Some Enities here...

//enity 1


"origin" "40 -112 440"

"angle" "90"

"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"



So if you look at this, World Spawn is just another enity in the map. Everything in this map resides in these {}.

I seem to remeber where savingf maps might bork up and leave off the trailing }. If thats the case, you might be able to save your map, but its not going to be pretty...:)


Good luck...


PS... Theres not much I can say beyond this, most likely your hooosed...:)

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Wow, i never noticed you could just pop it open like that in wordpad. I ran a search on the map file on "worldspawn" and nothing came up, like it says, its obvious i dont have one in there. This is how the map file started out:


// entity 0


"message" "^1{^7DX^1} Jedi Council {^7ALPHA 1.3^1}"

// brush 0


( -464 -168 0 ) ( -464 -72 0 ) ( -744 -72 0 ) system/caulk 72 -32 -90 0.250000 0.250000 0 4 0

( -752 -64 232 ) ( -472 -64 232 ) ( -472 -160 232 ) bespin/basic6 0 -32 0 0.250000 0.250000 0 0 0



Then it starts into the long list of brushes and what not. but if you notice it looks like "Entity 0" should be the worldspawn cause it has the message line in it. So is it possible to just add that info in? if so what should it look like? This was my thery but im not sure on it:


// entity 0


"message" "^1{^7DX^1} Jedi Council {^7ALPHA 1.3^1}"

"classname" "worldspawn"

"origin" "-2240 -160 284" <--dont think this matters


// brush 0


( -464 -168 0 ) ( -464 -72 0 ) ( -744 -72 0 ) system/caulk 72 -32 -90 0.250000 0.250000 0 4 0

( -752 -64 232 ) ( -472 -64 232 ) ( -472 -160 232 ) bespin/basic6 0 -32 0 0.250000 0.250000 0 0 0



So what do ya think? maybe i can scrap it after all :)



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Best possible case would be to look at some other maps you might have... Even a 1 room map, so that you would have a good idea of what to look for...

You are correct though, you can just add the key in there, but I don't believe that you need the origin value... Actually you don't...:)



Btw its might be best to open this in notepad or some other plain text editor, MS likes to add odd charactors some times...


look for editpad or my fav, notetab...

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