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Q3MAP2 compiling


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Originally posted by master_thomas

I've heard that Q3Map2 is supposed to be faster. It has been 3 hours and I still hasn't finished. BSP fullvis (extra) finished in three minutes. Does Q3Map2 happen much faster after the first time?:confused:


Is it compiling the exact same map? I mean, is the map the exact same size when you compiled it with Sof2map as when you tried to compile it with q3map2?


If they are the same size and it's still taking that long, something is seriously wrong with your compiler/copy of Radiant. Which Q3Map2 options are you using to compile?

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You know, nate, FullVis (extra) or Even FastVis(1/2) are not q3map2 compile commands. They are for sof2map as it's in JK2 Radiant and pre 1.2.11 GtkRadiant. If you want to use q3map2, then you have to select a compile command starting with "Q3MAP2:".


thomas: if you choose one from the top of the list, then the lighting phase will be very slow. Choose one of the "(test)" compiles, or from the "(single)" commands, but those are for one phase only, so you need to choose one for each (BSP, VIS and LIGHT).

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