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Lighting problem


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Hey guys, I've been ripping my hair out over this one - I am making a mp map on Radiant. All the time I have been making it, I have been testing it - compiling with bspfullvis - however all of a sudden, I can't get light on my map - one minute it was there, then the next time I tested the map, it was as if I had compiled with the 'nolight' option - all I get is bright light - I have no idea why this has happened and have tried compiling it with every option - all I get is the same - aaaaaaaaaaaagh - please help me before all my hard work goes down the drain!!

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Nonono... :) In JK2Radiant they come up automatically. In pre 1.2.11 GtkRadiants you[/iG have to load the pointfile (File\Load pointfile). In GtkRadiant 1.2.11 if you use q3map2 to compile and BSP monitoring is enabled, then the lines will show up utomatically, otherwise you have to load the pointfile.

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