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Compile Problem in GTK 1.2.11


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Well, when I try to compile my map in GTKRadiant 1.2.11 using Fullvis, I get an error stating that the editor cannot find "qe3bsp.bat" in the GTKRadiant folder. When I went to Windows Explorer and looked in the GTKRadiant folder, I found it. Then I tried compiling again and it didn't work. Whats going on? Is it a bug? What should I do?:confused:

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Happens to me ALL THE TIME. No idea why. It started with the upgrade to v1.2.11. It occurs with Q3map2 compiles as well as the older compile options.


The easiest work-around I've found is to create a shortcut on your desktop to the batch file.


Attempt to compile normally (this creates the batch file)


If it compiles, fine...you are done.


If it does not, run the batch file yourself. It should compile fine.


I have no idea why this happens or what makes the problem come and go. It seems to appear randomly and not go away until some random instance of the compiler later. I have never had it 'fix itself' during the same run of Radiant. And it rarely goes away by merely restarting Radiant.


But often a few hours later, or a few days, it will suddenly work properly. And yes I have considered rebooting as factor in the 'wait' fix, but found no pattern.


I would like to know why it does this too.

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I have no clue what is wrong with Fullvis, but it seems that the Q3Map2 options are best to use. I used [Q3Map2 (test) -meta -vis -light -fast filter]. The problem was that my textures were all the same scale size. Its freaky! Its as if I never touched them! Is it the compile option that made the size thing happeN? :confused:

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You need to make sure GtkRadiant is configured properly and is passing the correct -fs_basepath argument to Q3Map2. Example:


-fs_basepath C:/games/jk2/gamedata


Note: the gamedata part is required. That's where the base data directory sits.



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