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Texture Settings = crash !!!!!


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i'm have notice that when i set all the settings to max, 1024x768, except volumetric shadow (i'm using simple), when the level start to load the game crash and the following message appears:


Aplication fault jk2sp.exe, version, fault module atioglxx.dll, version, fault address 0x001e69c9.


When i set down the resolution to 800x600 there is no problems. What is going wrong????


My system is:

AMD 1700+

256 MB DDR

Radeon 8500 64Mb

SB Live

MB Abit Kx7-333R

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Try getting the most recent Catalyst Drivers for your radeon 8500, that might help correct the problem. Plus, one thing to keep in mind is that this heavily tweaked Quake 3 engine driven Jedi Outcast is a huge system hog and graphics hog, so maxing out the graphics really puts a strain on some of the cards that were released before it came out, especially this with less than 128 MB graphic capability. But definitely try the drivers and see if that helps..




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