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Radiant crashing


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Jeez guys, another day, another problem - I have a brush in my map that cause the game to crash whenever I try to select it - so I can't delete it!! I am doing a mp on jk2radiant. Sorry to hassle you dudes again, but could you help me out please????

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Ok was it the last brush you put in? I believe they are numbered by order of "first come first serve" If you open your .map file in notepad you will see that the brushes are labeled specifically by number. I would assume that the last brush listed would be the problem causing brush since it caused you to crash. So i would assume that you had no time at all to add another brush after that. Look at yourself as a surgeon. You gotta make a cut somewhere or your gonna have to lose your patient :(

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Irishpump, you are a superstar - it was easy to find the brush as I could just search by which texture I had used on it. Thanks a lot buddy,another one to add to the list of genius' that have helped me make my map - will send you a copy when it's done! :D

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