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Kicks from Killin'

Luc Solar

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Ok fair enough. But two things ive noticed in the last posts is that no where at anypoint does anyone mention that people are spamming push/pull. The thread is fav way to kill. If the opportunity is there i will take it. Nobody ever said someone stays in a spot trying to get kills. And your post with the smiley faces at the end makes it seem like sarcasm to me, and still does. All this talk about straight minded and narrow minded is getting strange when nearly no one has strayed away from it. For example, Outcast you just put the blame on me only. You said something negative about my post, so i said something negative then someone said something negative to me. Its a snowball effect.There is no ONE person to put any blame on. All i wanted to do was post what my fav. way to kill someone was. In other words share my thoughts on a subject. But it had to get ripped on by hardcore gamers. Of course im gonna respond.


As far as me throwing out a stereotype about "playing 8 hour," puter geek type stuff, that was wrong on my part. It was an obvious play of back talk back toward hardcore gamers that wanna rip on an occasional method of play. But it wasn't referring to good players. It was referring to the type of players who consider anything that kills them cheap. The types of players that scream out things like "wtf," "omg," "owned," etc., when they get defeated by an average player.

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I like pushing people off ledges. The best is when I see someone jumping, like out of the corner of my eye, and I quickly turn and push. I like that.


I also like pushing someone who is gripping another and about to drop him. Two kills for one push. That's fun. And somewhat ironic for the gripper, which is why I like that one the best.

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Whew! Intense! :firehead Well, I think it takes skill to play this game well. There are some amazing FPS players out there. Why are they better than others? They have mad Skills :D. Aside from that, I know that JO is just a game and it is very important to have fun. :p I even take the time to say ns and laugh at myself for blowing myself up! :rolleyes: (I think I do more damage to myself that way. That's why I try to stick to my saber :saberb: ) A good pushed rocket does wonders though. You should see the looks on their face! :eek:

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I used to like pushing people to their doom, that was about 9 months ago, within the games early days. But people do it so much that its lost all sense of accomplishment and "cool" factor. When I master air-shots with the repeater secondary, i'll find something else to try and get good at.


In laymens terms, I get a kick out of killing someone in a way that indicates my level of skill has increased.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ:


Of course I know that in some situations pull/push require skill. But the end result doesn't ever make me think "OMG WHAT AN AWESOME KILL, I HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN". Which I think is what the whole point of this thread is.

That's all well and good, but to imply that pull/push kills are not "earnt", which you did in your original reply... well, that's just foolish. As for the "point" of the thread, the topic is concerning what sort of kills give one the most "kicks". Irish is well entitled to his love for pull/push. THAT's the point of this thread.


Originally posted by Reborn Outcast:


Ok thanks Irish for misinterpreting my post an dstarting a flaming war!!!

Now now Reborn, Irish didn't start it by any means, and you'd be hard-pressed to prove that he misinterpreted your post. I wouldn't rely on grinning smilies to change the flavour of your posts in future, it's perfectly possible to write nothing but flames, and put smilies on the end of them. That doesn't make them less offensive. Anyway, now that he's apologized for the 'U R ALL NERDS!!!11' crack, bygones eh?
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